Lloyds Blood Pressure Monitor: An Honest Review

Blood pressure is a crucial indicator in the body and should be routinely checked as numerous underlying medical issues can be identified. 

A blood pressure monitor is a fantastic way to check your blood pressure. And one reliable brand is the Lloyds blood pressure monitor. It’s unique and gives precise readings.

So this blog post is an honest and comprehensive review of Lloyds’ blood pressure.

Lloyds Blood Pressure Monitor

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More than just a pharmacy, Lloyds Pharmacy provides healthcare services. And the primary goal is to provide patients and clients with high-quality healthcare products and services.

The business is built on prevention, management, and treatment. And also assist regional communities in making wise health decisions.

With the introduction of the blood pressure monitor Llodys, the cutting-edge device is intended to improve community health.

And it has been sold in high street stores and can be bought directly from Lloyds Pharmacy online.

The device was launched to make affordable blood pressure monitors accessible to Lloyds customers. Therefore the company joined its competitors in offering its brand of blood pressure monitor across the UK and other parts of the world.

Since its launch, Lloyds’ blood pressure monitor has received much positive feedback from satisfied customers that attest to its accuracy and efficiency.

The company has done well by providing a good blood pressure monitor that is precise, efficient, and quite affordable. And the best part is that it’s clinically approved.

Distinguishing features of Lloyds blood pressure monitor

The Lloyds blood pressure monitor is a fully automated device with a talking function. It comes with batteries and an adjustable volume that can be deactivated.

Below are other features:

  • Upper arm cuff with a circumference from 22 to 36cm
  • Irregular heartbeat indicator
  • 2 x 60 memory space
  • Automatic switch off
  • Gives average results for 7 days
  • LCD with a blue backlighting
  • Date and time display
  • 2 user function
  • Storage pouch

Benefits of Lloyds blood pressure monitor

Below are the advantages of buying Lloyds blood pressure monitor:

i. Usability

Lloyds blood pressure monitor has various friendly features ideal for taking your blood pressure at home, and it is easy to set up.

After you have connected the cuff to the monitor, you should set the date and time, which is straightforward, and insert batteries.

Apart from providing a blood pressure reading, it also checks the heart rate and the risk factors for hypertension.

And lets you know if your blood pressure readings are in the normal, borderline, or dangerous (hypertension) zones. It also goes as far as alerting users if there are any irregularities with their heartbeat.

ii. Accuracy

Due to the simple setup, individuals may start taking their blood pressure readings immediately, even without reading usage guidelines. And this could lead to incorrect reading.

You should get acquainted with the guidelines to get accurate readings. For instance, you shouldn’t take your blood pressure while curled up on your couch. Your feet should be on the ground while you sit.

Before taking the reading, you should sit quietly for a few minutes, and the arm the device is attached to should be at your heart level. Also, your hydration level or whether your bladder is full may affect a reading.

Following the usage guidelines ensures you get accurate readings. However, bear in mind that blood pressure fluctuates and can vary occasionally. But it should always stay within a specific range.

iii. Comfort and convenience

Having your arm squeezed by a blood pressure cuff is never enjoyable. Like other brands, the Lloyds blood pressure monitor offers less discomfort for a short while.

You will experience a little discomfort when the device is about to read your blood pressure, as it will be inflated around your arm.

This brand comes with four AA batteries and a pouch. The monitor is sleek and lightweight, thereby making it easy to wear as you go about your daily activities.

iv. Cost

The price of this Lloyds blood pressure monitor is €24.99 on eBay. Although more expensive brands are in the market, this brand stands out because it is efficient and demands less from your pocket.

Factors to consider before buying a blood pressure monitor

You don’t enter a store and grab the first blood pressure monitor on the shelf. There are some factors you should consider They include the following:

a. Cuff size

Remember to check the cuff size of the blood pressure device you buy, often measured in circumference. You should get one that is suitable for your arm’s circumference.

b. Warranty

Before purchase, remember to check the device’s warranty. The majority of devices have a one-year warranty. However, specific gadgets might only offer a 6-month replacement warranty.

c. Ease of use

Before buying a blood pressure monitor, one of the most crucial features to look for is its simplicity. Always choose a user-friendly device so you won’t need extra instruction or help operating it.

d. Storage capacity

A good recommendation is to buy a blood pressure monitor with enough storage to track past readings. Thereby helping you track your blood pressure readings daily or weekly.

With this log, your doctor can provide a more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

e. Connectivity

Although not every device provides mobile synchronization and connectivity, it is always preferable to have one that does.

f. Clinical approval

Use a device that has been clinically approved. This is to ensure it provides accurate readings.

g. Indicators and alerts

Not all blood pressure monitors have built-in alerts and indications for conditions like an irregular heartbeat, an incorrect cuff position, or even a low battery.

Another good recommendation is to buy a device with these features for a seamless experience.


Everyone needs a Lloyds blood pressure monitor in their corner. The device gives accurate blood pressure readings and is simple to use. It has four AA batteries and a talking function for your convenience.

Therefore, getting a Lloyds blood pressure monitor is a worthwhile health investment and great value for your money.

Uchechukwu Ufoh Kyrian

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